Saturday, December 19, 2009

BNC and PMK/HBH to Merge

Fascinating things I stumble upon online. The firms BNC and PMK/HBH have merged creating the largest public relations firm focused on entertainment. The links tell the story: and

The blog article below really goes into detail and calls the merger:

I imagine that this is a bit of hyperbole but the articles and blog do make some interesting points.
They note that providing pr services to celebrity clients is not exactly lucrative. Although a celebrity can pay a pr firm $4000 to $6000 a month, a corporate client can pay as much as $100,000 a month.

A better strategy, hence, is to combine celebrity representation with corporate clients.
A firm can leverage the celebrity clients it has to win corporate clients.
For example, a firm that represents Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Lopez can argue to a potential corporate client: Hire us and not only we will represent you, we can guarantee Ms. Jolie and Lopez at some of your events or in some of your publicity materials.

It will be interesting to see if the new PMK/HBK can pull this off. The "nuclear" blog post above doesn't think so but I would give it 2 years and see what happens. In my experience, firms merge and people leave.

But if you have a good strategy, you can emerge much stronger. Hopefully, this is what happens at this new firm because it will be fascinating to see whether this experiment actually works.

Friday, December 11, 2009

End of Semester Jams

This is a blog about PR. But this is the end of the semester and I can be excused for blogging about things other than pr. Below is one of my favorite genre of music:
Kwaito. It has a long and complicated history. I don't speak Zulu or Xhosa so I never understand what they are saying. But the beats transcend borders.


Finished the preliminary examinations and will be defending in January. Then the real PhD begins. I guess its time to celebrate. Below is one favorite groups of all of time. Tkzee. Takes me back to 1996 and 1997 back home. A truly fun time at Chanco.