
Blue: Graduate Internship    Green: Full time position

Press Office Manager Intern (June 2010-August 2010)
Illinois State Fair | Springfield, IL
* Helped run press office for an event attended by thousands from across the country.
* Assisted with developing a social media strategy for the fair.

Graduate Communications Intern (July 2009-August 2009)
PRIME Research | Institute for Public Relations; Ann Arbor, MI
* 1st recipient of fellowship named in honor of Larissa & James Grunig, the influential PR scholars.
* Research internship at PRIME Research in Ann Arbor, Michigan
* Helped develop communications strategies for post-Tsunami recovery work.

Graduate Communications Intern (June 2006-July 2006)
Public Welfare Foundation; Washington, DC
* Assisted with redesign of foundation website.

Market Research Analyst (2006)
Kearney and Company; Alexandria, Virginia
* Market researcher for a consulting firm that provides financial services to federal clients.
* Helped the company develop relationships with government decision makers.

Public Affairs Writer (2005-2006)
American Insurance Association; Washington, DC
* Writer for the largest association of property and casualty insurance companies.
* Editor of publications that examine the relationship between insures and regulators.
* Designed ads for Roll Call, Congressional Quarterly, and National Journal magazines.

Federal Marketing Research Analyst (2002-2005)
Cassidy & Associates/Weber Shandwick Government Relations; Washington, DC
* Analyst for the third largest lobbying firm in Washington, D.C.
* Provided graphic design, marketing, and business development support to lobbyists.
* Monitored legislation and analyzed its impact on government contractors.

Public Information Intern (Spring 2002)
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development; Washington, DC
●  Helped organize meetings to showcase OECD work on trade policy and other issues.

Government Affairs Intern (Fall 2001)
Amnesty International; Washington, DC
●   Provided the government affairs staff with research and coalition building assistance

Corporate Communications Intern (Summer 2001)
US Airways; Arlington, VA
●  Wrote and edited press releases, feature stories, and web page content

Public Information & External Relations Intern (Summer 2001)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; Washington, DC
●  Researched and wrote briefing materials on UN efforts to address refugee issues.