Saturday, May 30, 2009

Good News

This is the sunny blog so I have some good news:

Today I just learned that Kanako, a good friend of mine and an excellent collegue at the University of Illinois, has just won a distinguished award in Disaster Research.

Read for yourself:

This is the best news I have heard for many weeks. If you know her, drop her an email.

Or you can join me by turning up your speakers and dancing to this song like no one is watching:)

The Future of PR

Is the practice of public relations in decline. Today, I came across these interesting perspectives on what the authors think are upcoming trends in public relations. Read and make up your mind.

Article 2

The authors make fascinating points but overall, I do not believe that pr is decline.

Like journalism, pr is transforming. Just like the decline of newspapers does not mean the end of journalism, the emergence of new technologies does not mean the end of pr.

In 15 years from now, journalism and pr will be very different fields. They will still be around just very different. As long as there is a desire for information, pr and journalism will be there playing their respective roles.